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Who We Are

We are passionately committed to building a society in which generational poverty is a thing of the past


A society in which generational poverty is a thing of the past


We help people discover their purpose, delight in their passions and dare to reach their God-given potential






However you define it, poverty is complex. Generally speaking, there are six types of poverty: situational, generational, absolute, relative, urban, and rural. Understanding the difference is critical to attacking the problem effectively.

A person or family can experience situational poverty when their income and support is decreased due to a specific change—job loss, divorce, death, etc. While there can be a domino effect caused by this one significant change, families experiencing situational poverty tend to remain hopeful, knowing that this is a temporary setback. This typically is not so with generational poverty.


Families dealing with generational poverty are also challenged with three other forms of poverty: 1) educational poverty; 2) parental poverty and 3) spiritual poverty. The cumulative effect of these different forms of poverty often creates the most damaging outcome of generational poverty—the constant presence of hopelessness. Without hope - the belief that life can and will be better - planning is reduced to surviving and values get compromised. Common issues in low-income families include social, emotional and cognitive impairment, chemical dependence, and adoption of health risk behaviors.


The Ignite Difference

Most social service programs do a good job providing individuals with the skills and support needed to help them achieve some degree of success. The unfortunate truth is, much of that success is short-lived. At Ignite, we provide the "spark" needed to help individuals find the why - the larger purpose - behind their desire or need to change.  What sets us apart is we take direct aim at the trauma caused by poverty and inequity and leverages the power of the human spirit to undo the cycle of poverty. Our Model is Transformative; Our Work is Holistic and Our Motivation is always Personal Empowerment.


What We Do

Our ClearPath Program Attacks Generational Poverty By... 

Helping People Discover Their Purpose, Delight in Their Passions and Dare To Reach Their God-Given Potential.



Identity, Purpose, Values


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Mental Toughness

Job Readiness

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Problem-Solving Skills


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Social Skills Modeling

Community Resources





Community Gardening
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  • Children growing up in poverty, stay in poverty because they are traumatized from unmet needs, low-quality schools, and unstable circumstances. These children often become low achieving adults.


  • Ignite Community Solutions ClearPath program is a trauma-informed approach.  The training equips youth and adults with the psychological, social and practical tools they need to break through this trauma.


  • This leads to higher incomes, successful families and thriving communities, thus ending the cycle of poverty.



  • Dual-Generation Approach Strongly Encouraged

  • Personal Asset Assessment and Development

  • Mindfulness and Critical Thinking Skills 

  • GRIT - Mental Toughness Development


  • Peer Instruction and Mentoring

  • Action Planning and Support

  • Work Readiness

  • 80% of those completing the program graduate to the next grade level, become employed, begin job skill training, or enroll in higher education


  • 80% of those completing the program show an increase in their perceived capability to achieve desired goals as measured by the Adult Hope Scale


  • Participants increase their critical thinking skills by 50%.

  • Exoffender recividism reduced by 30 %

Program Objectives

  • Provide socioeconomically disadvantaged individuals with the tools and support system they need to rid themselves of any self-­‐imposed emotional, physical, and psychosocial limitations.


  • Give clients a broad access to the community resources and learning opportunities they need to find and keep a good job, and disrupt the cognitive patterns that often characterize generational poverty.

  • Leverage community partnerships to lead a coalition including churches, government agencies, community activists, schools, and academic researchers, for the purpose of dealing effectively with the habits and mindsets… that often disallow the poor and the forgotten to achieve their God-­given potential.

 Target Audience - Who Can Benefit?

  • Ages: 12 years to adult


  • Proven Impact Areas: positive youth development and career path selection, exoffender reentry, substance abuse recovery, unemployment and underemployment

  • Recognized by the House and Urban Development (HUD) Department Choice Neighborhoods Program as a leader and innovator in its quest to help transform, high-poverty, distressed neighborhoods into mixed-income neighborhoods with affordable housing, safe streets and good schools.

  • In partnership with the Veterans Administration and other nonprofits, the program has been extremely effective in combating veteran homelessness and unemployment.

The ClearPath Empowerment Journey


Services Delivery Method

Impact Data Collection

  • Holistic needs assessments

  • Customized intervention plans

  • Six months follow-on mentoring provided

  • Baseline data collection 


  • Midpoint assessments


  • Post-­intervention evaluations

Volunteers Packing Food


Ignite Community Solutions

11503 Jones Maltsberger Suite 1220, San Antonio, Texas 78216

210.896.3557 or 210.385.2777

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©2018 by Ignite Community Solutions. 

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